Month: June 2022

My Thoughts

And yet another scope

UPDATE: Hey folks. So, I was having problems since the first scope. Eating was not as bad. I was able to eat finally but still a struggle. I had called the surgeon and spoke to her on the phone and we agreed another EGD and stretch of the esophagus was…
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My Thoughts

Another scope

You read that right, going for another EGD scope on June 17th, 2022. For the rest of you, that is getting esophagus stretched (dialed they call it) I am better, but I still struggle from time to time. Most of the time I am doing well from eating to drinking.…
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My Thoughts

Scope Success

Well folks, I went into the hospital today and had a scope done. It was successful.  What was done was simple for them, and actually not a big deal for me. Hate now to be put under but it is what it is to be healthy. Arrived at 9:15, made…
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Esophageal Cancer

Hospital visit

Hey everyone. A little update as to what has been going on. Over the past several weeks, I have developed this process called Air Fascia where you suck in to much air and then many things can happen. For me, I throw up before it even goes down to digest.…
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