Random Thoughts

Happy New Year

Happy New Year

Embracing the Dawn of a Happy New Year: A Grateful Reflection As the clock striked midnight and the calendar turns its page it’s that time to wish you all HAPPY NEW YEAR! , I find myself standing at the threshold of a new year, a canvas waiting to be painted…
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Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas

As the festive season unfolds, I wanted to extend warm wishes to all our my cherrieshed friends, and followers. May the joy of Christmas fill your hearts with love and laughter, creating memories that will last a lifetime. We, meaning my family too express’s our heartfelt gratitude for your unwavering…
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My Thoughts

What is going on?

Lately I have been struggling with eating most of the time. It got a little better after the last procedure but it then went back to me having a problem each time I eat. Let me explain. The procedure does work. It stretches the area. The problem is not enough…
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My Thoughts

Another scope

You read that right, going for another EGD scope on June 17th, 2022. For the rest of you, that is getting esophagus stretched (dialed they call it) I am better, but I still struggle from time to time. Most of the time I am doing well from eating to drinking.…
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