My Journey

Esophageal Cancer

February 2023 Updates

Tons of updates to tell you about. What is going on with my health? The last several months I have endured a few minor EGD dilation surgeries. Meaning I have had the area of my new esophagus stretched. At one point I was doing this every 2 weeks, then moved…
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Rock the Treatment

The beginning

Captains log: Earth date 12062021 Day Zero, Well it is that day to start my lab work. They used my medit port today and I did not feel a thing. I was a bit nervous going in just to get blood work since I had no clue to how this…
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The Journey

1 week from today

Captains Log: Earth date 11302021 I am reminded that 1 week from today I will start my journey with radiation and chemo treatments. As I sit here to do this blog tonight, I can’t help thinking about how I am going to feel next week. The bad part of this…
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