Captains log: Earth date 12062021
Day Zero, Well it is that day to start my lab work. They used my medit port today and I did not feel a thing. I was a bit nervous going in just to get blood work since I had no clue to how this would work out. I was pleasantly surprised by the staff and the ease of use of the facility to get where you need to go. 5 minutes later and I was on my way. Eazy peezy!
Stopped to get my favorite coffee and headed home. Oh want to know what it is that I like. Well White Chocolate Mocha 2 pumps of vanilla, typically Venti but like today a grande. Now you all know! Don’t even get me started by you tell me that is not real coffee. Movin on. LOL
It has SNOWED all night an day and we had about 14 inches of snow.
Here are a few pics taken later in the evening of all the snow and then some!
Then my buddy Joe came to get me and take me to lunch. It was exactly what I needed. Good friend, awesome food and even better fun. My day was full. Oh and then we got back to my home because we had a blizzard. Now Joe, as you read this calm the hell down dude. It was a blizzard no matter what you think it was. I said it was and it is so. 🙂
Anyhow, the day is almost complete and I still had to plow more snow. UGH, but I love it. Ok, signing off because I have a LONG LONG day tomorrow and DAY 1 of the treatment begins!