Rock the Treatment

Captains log: Earth date 12072021

Ok as promised a few weeks back here is what my friend Caleb sent to me. It is freaking awesome! At some point in the future I will pay it forward to someone that needs it.

For now, here it goes. It has lots of goodies for a patient that must endure the time to put in for radiation and chemo. From the cool hat you have seen to socks, to an eye mask, to puzzles, color books, coloring pencils, snack out the ying yang and all wrapped up in a box. There is so much more, even has lotions, lip balm, tea, candy and look closer to what I may have missed.

This is beyond words of expression that someone took a moment o send this to me. Let me be honest here. This was the first time I teared up. Thank you Caleb.

Enjoy the few pics below!