Captains log: Earth date 12022021
Nothing new today really, Lot of driving and thinking. Took my wife and her aunt to Alpena for lunch and just to get out. It was a good feeling to just relax and not put a lot of effort into things. I’m a little emotional in all this life changing stuff that is about to happen to me. One tends to go all over the place from why me, why now. I lean towards let’s get this shit done already. I do not like this hurry up and wait. I have some decisions to make some of them are or could be life changing. I am not ready to make those. I’m not!
So, today I took a different approach and thought what if… And when I think about who I am going to impact, who am I going to relate to or even who’s live or live’s I might change. You see it is not all about me. It’s is about my world and those who are in it. Thinking differently helps you figure out what is really bothering you and how it impacts those around you. We are humans furst and emotional. Sometimes you have to take a 3rd party look into who you are and what you are to become.
I have work to do after all this cancer crap and even during the treatment process. So I am tired of waiting and thinking I am wasting time to get healed.
That’s all my thinking for this day. See ya on the next blog…