The Journey

Captains Log: Earth date 11302021

I am reminded that 1 week from today I will start my journey with radiation and chemo treatments. As I sit here to do this blog tonight, I can’t help thinking about how I am going to feel next week. The bad part of this I have not shared, I start both treatments on the same day. Where in a lot of cases, one person would go through radiation and then a day or two later do the chemo. I’m a lucky person, I get to do all of it on day one.

At this time, let me explain to you what I will be going through on a weekly basis. And keep in mind this is winter up here in Michigan.

Week 1 -5

  • Mondays: Lab work in town, Drive 1.5 hours to Petosky. 15-20 minute radiation, drive 1.5 hours back home.
  • Tuesdays: Drive 1.5 hours to Petosky. 15-20 minute radiation treatment, drive 1.5 hours back home, eat lunch, and Chemo for 3 hours.
  • Wednesdays: Drive 1.5 hours to Petosky. 15-20 minute radiation treatment, drive 1.5 hours back home.
  • Thursdays: Drive 1.5 hours to Petosky. 15-20 minute radiation treatment, drive 1.5 hours back home.
  • Fridays: Drive 1.5 hours to Petosky. 15-20 minute radiation treatment, drive 1.5 hours back home.

And YES I will be off on weekends. And there are a few Dr visits here and there. That’s a hell of a lot of driving time and those chemo days, WHAT THE HELL…Who can sit for 3 hours? UGH

My wife were kinda joking but seriously talking at the same time, this will be my FULL TIME JOB! When you think about it, the time to get up, eat breakfast, get ready, drive for a good while, get the treatment and then obviously I will be hungry to eat. Stop for that and then continue back home. At which time, your day is more than half over, and this does not include how exhausted you might be. Oh and then nap, and eat dinner, then back to bed, maybe on that last one. I’ll report that later.

Sounds like I am expert at this. Far from it, though I have listened to my Oncologist and she is awesome by the way. And OMG I totally failed to mention, all the drugs I have to take on a daily basis. UGH

Now that you know all that. The question is, how am I feeling. Worried. Uneasy. Scared. Seriously mind blowing the fact that CANCER SUCKS!

I am so uneasy with all that is about to happen, like why me, what will happen and how will I find peace. All good questions with no real answer. I can tell you this, I have some AWESOME friends, and many have reached out and no doubt I am in good hands with people that care. WE ALL have busy lives and I am no different. For them to go OUT OF THEIR WAY to check on me and see how I am doing. Damn it they rock! And if your reading this, you know who you are. I thank you for that support.

Am I good? NO! Simply put, I feel like I talk about a third person and not met. Now I know it is me and I am accepting that. Hell, I already have a feeding tube and a medi port to prepare for the future. So as uneasy as it all is, I will end this on this note. I AM GOING TO BEAT CANCERS ASS! There is nothing else!
